TEOS MARINA MANAGEMENT AND TRADE INC. as the data controller, is committed to collecting, processing, storing and protecting the confidentiality of your personal data in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (“Law”). With this clarification text, it is aimed to inform you about the processing, collection, transfer purpose, storage periods and rights you have regarding the processing of your personal data within the scope of the Law.
1. Data Controller
In accordance with the law, your personal data is sent to TEOS MARİNA İŞLETME VE TİCARET A.Ş. (“TEOS MARINA”) as the data controller, located at the address of Sığacık Mahallesi Akkum Caddesi No: 4 Seferihisar/İZMİR, and can be processed within the scope described below
2. Purpose of Processing Personal Data
Your personal data will be processed for the purposes of; realization of commercial activities carried out by TEOS MARINA, updating and verifying customer information, planning and maintaining corporate communication activities, following and executing legal transactions, conducting information security processes, realizing campaigns, promotions and advertising activities, planning and executing operational processes, group companies, execution of relations with group companies, business partners and suppliers, following up on customer requests and complaints, executing financial and accounting transactions, carrying out audit activities, fulfilling the demands of official institutions and organizations, and carrying out occupational health and safety activities.
3. The Methods and Legal Reasons of Collection of Personal Data
Depending on the reasons for the processing of personal data in Article 5 of the Law, your personal data, website, social media accounts, e-mail, telephone, fax, camera and license plate recognition systems, notifications sent from official institutions, contact forms, job application forms, contracts are collected through insurance policies, mooring logs and software and applications used by TEOS MARINA.
4. Processed Personal Data
Your name, surname, identity and passport number, nationality, gender, date of birth, occupation, tax number, tax office, license plate, e-mail address, phone numbers, credit or debit card information, insurance information, information about your boat or tender information, your residence, billing address, identity and contact information of your guests, captain and boat crew are within the scope of processed personal data.
5. Parties to which Personal Data will be Transferred and Purpose of Transfer
Your collected personal data will be transferred in line with the purpose of processing the personal data in this clarification text and in order for the execution of the operational processes to our board members, group companies, consultants, lawyers, business partners, suppliers, companies that own the programs and software we use, official institutions and organizations, affiliated chambers and foundations, internal and external auditors, banks, insurance companies and companies providing information technology services.
6. Period of Retention of Personal Data
Your personal data will be stored during the periods stipulated in the Law and the relevant legislation for data storage, unless an additional period is foreseen, until the reasons for the processing of personal data disappear. This information will be securely deleted, destroyed or anonymized by the data controller upon the expiration of the relevant periods and the disappearance of the reasons for the processing of personal data.
7. Rights of Data Owner
You have the right to learn whether your personal data has been processed, to update your personal data, to request deletion of your personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in the provisions of the Law, to know the parties to which your personal data has been transferred and the purpose of transfer, and to request the compensation of the damage you have suffered due to your personal data processed illegally. In this context, you can apply and send requests to kep address or send an e-mail to